16 Mai 2007

Gölä auf Rock-'n'Roll-Tour im Citychäller, Glarus

Rock-’n’-Roll-Tour-Start, 12. April.

Am 16. Mai im

«Citychäller» Glarus.

Gölä und Walter Keiser

Mehr Informationen unter www.goelae.com.

09 Mai 2007

Deine Radiostation einfach installiert - Add a Radio to your browser

Modern Music School Toolbar:
Add a radio to enhance your users' experience. You can pre-select your own stations or podcasts and give your users easy access to the streaming audio on their toolbar. Users will also be able to define their own stations in addition to the ones you define.
If you like, you can create you own toolbar. Check out our MODERN MUSIC SCHOOL Toolbar by adding a radio banner to your browser.

05 April 2007

Göla auf Besuch in der Modern Music School - Glarnerland

v.l.n.r.: Chris Glarner (Stv Drums, Vocals, Keyboard), Walter Keiser (Drums), Peter Keiser (Bass), Gölä (Vocals), Martin Nesnidal (Guitar, Geschäftsführer und Berufs-Musik(lehr)er Modern Music School-Glarnerland)